
About us

NatureDiscovery along with VolcanoAdventures are the two brands of tours offered by the VolcanoDiscovery tour company. While VolcanoAdventures features our volcano tours and expeditions, NatureDiscovery stands for walking and study tours with a more general focus on nature and culture of the destination, often including volcanoes. Most of them are organized by German photographer Tobias Schorr as part of the VolcanoDiscovery team.
Most tours can be described as relaxed walking tours with strong interest in nature, geology, archaeology and culture. They are also very suited for people with an interest in photography.

Our vision

Our aim is simple: to give the people, that have been traveling with us, the feeling of wanting to come back, on another tour with us. In order to do so, we offer you tours in small groups guided by passionate professionals in their field with a high level of attention to every participant:

Our strong points

  • Small to extremely small international groups or individuals
  • First-hand accurate knowledge from competent guides and trained geologists & volcanologists
  • Flexible tour programs
  • Exclusive off-the-beaten-track programs
  • Enviromental responsability
  • Last but not least, the local flavor of each tour
Copyrights: VolcanoDiscovery / VolcanoAdventures ou sources indiquées.
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